Wait, how many stitches?

It was a typical Thursday morning; I woke up and made my way over to the shower.  A few minutes into my shower I recall not feeling well and I feared an episode of vertigo was coming on.  Boy, was I wrong!  Things got worse, very fast. I thought, Silvia get out of the shower before things get worse.

As I sat in my bathroom chair, my husband asked if everything was okay.  I told him, no, I am not feeling so great.

That’s the last thing I remember before waking up on my bathroom floor with a busted lip and several injuries to my face and hand.  I have never fainted in my life and couldn’t believe what was happening to me.

I will admit that lately I have experienced a significant increase in stress in my life, along with grieving the sudden loss of my father and I knew that I was exhausted, but, never to the point of fainting!

In the ER every test you can imagine was done and thank God, all came back normal.  The doctor believes that I experienced a sharp drop in blood pressure and that caused me to faint.  His instructions were to take it easy, get some rest because this could have been much worse.  The result of fainting on my face was walking away with four stitches and several bruises that would eventually clear up with a couple of weeks.

Why did I decide to tell you this story today?  Because as women we run our bodies, minds, and spirits to levels that cannot be sustained.  We make sure to take care of everyone else well and leave our needs for when we have extra time on our hands—which really means—never! 

This is why this month I’ve dedicated the month of May to provide you with information, resources, and tools that will help you make choices that cultivate a life that truly matters to YOU.  A life that we are not only proud of, but a life that we enjoy living.  A life where we are able to remember important milestones, only because we slowed down long enough to enjoy it with the people with love and care for the most.

Think about it….  If you remove the things that are not truly important, how much time will you have to dedicate to yourself and your loved ones?

I’ve learned my lesson—God knows I don’t want another reminder or set of stitches to slow down.

Friends, our homes don’t need to look like Pinterest-worthy homes, our outfits don’t need to match the models or ads on Instagram and our children don’t need to be showcased on our Facebook pages for us to feel worthy.

Let’s enter May with a renewed mind and challenge.  Let’s enter this month with hopes and dreams of truly taking back control over our choices and our lives.

Lastly, I would like to recommend the book Cultivate by Lara Casey.  Lara takes on this subject in-depth and helps us look to live our life with intentionality.

I leave you with a couple of questions: 

1.      Which task or responsibility can you stop doing or delegate to someone else?

2.      What restful activity can you commit to starting that will help you rest and refresh?

Cheering you on,
